A New sponsor has appeared… Welcome Stylize Design Graphics
We have been working in the background with Stylize Design Graphics over the last few weeks to help us with some pretty epic items.
When we undertake the Wainwright fells we want to make sure we document each one and do it so that people can see what we are doing while we are up there.
Speaking with Neil and Jamie, we came up with an idea and they went to work putting it into practice.
Around 2 weeks later and the night before we are due to leave for Keswick we are rushing back from Cambridge after work to collect the items they have done for us.
We arrive and pull the car into the workshop. Neil reveals a huge banner which has our logo on, in the same purple format as our 1000 mile challenge backgrounds, with the AMMF and Sepsis Trust logos on. It looks perfect.
But then he also brings out a vinyl transfer for the car, it looks great, Neil asked us to pop the boot lid open and he got to work applying it for us.
The results can be seen below.
Stylize have been operating in Haverhill for over 15 years. You can find out more in their section on our sponsors page!
Thank you Neil and Jamie for all your work, we will make sure that the banner is displayed on every fell top!
Right lets get packing and get ready to hit the hills!
All the best
The MICA Travels Team
So far we've raised a massive £11910.94, thank you!
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