Can you find our stones!
So we have been busy here at MICA Travels HQ.
We will soon be starting our fell walking challenge, some of you may know that it is a long standing tradition that when you reach the peak of the fells you place a stone on the cairns.
Well we wont be any different, we will be placing the stones in the image around the fells.
On the back is a QR code which brings you to this post in fact!
If you've found it this way welcome to our site!
What we would like you to do
Take a photo with the stone, showing the scenery
Head over to social media and tag us in the photo, let us know where and when you found it!
Our social tags are:
Instagram: @micatravelscharity
Facebook: @MICATravelsFB
Twitter: @MicaTravels
We will put these onto our stories as and when you find them!
Together this way we can share the MICA Travels mission to help raise awareness of Bile Duct Cancer (Cholangiocarcinoma) and Sepsis, hopefully we will get some donations along the way too!
Hope to see your pictures soon!
All the best
MICA Travels
So far we've raised a massive £11910.94, thank you!
Visit our Just Giving page to donate now.
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