Lockdown Challenge - Day 21..... A New Logo Appeared.....
346 miles to go.
The team are soldiering on, walking and where possible cycling, while this is happening there has been a lot of work in the back office, trying to get us a logo prepared.
After weeks of trying different thigns we have come to settle on the below!
We decided on mountains to reflect the fells and mountains we will be travelling up and down. The star represents Mum (Carol) she will be at the top guiding our way. The pulse line is to help us identify as a charity team thats raising money for a medical reason.
All of those parts together make a (if I do say so myself) brilliant logo.
We will be putting this on our clothing and in our vehicles, windows etc, so keep your eyes peeled! If you see the logo, stop and say hello! (following Covid safe guidance of course)
We cant wait to get our boots dirty in the fells, hopefully the announcement tomorrow will establish if we can actually travel up to Keswick so we can make a start, fingers crossed everyone!
6 Days left of the challenge, we need to get this job done, I am sure we will get the job done, my new question is, how many miles extra will we end up doing!
Only one way to find out.
Let get put our best foot forwards!
All the best
The MICA Travels team
So far we've raised a massive £11910.94, thank you!
Visit our Just Giving page to donate now.
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