Lockdown Challenge - Day 4...... The Results & a sponsor!
Hi Everyone,
Pete here today!
Sunday was another mammoth day for mileage, averaging nearly 100 miles a day over the weekend!
Our lead cyclist pushing the limits again to produce a 30.6 mile ride today!
While its easy to get distracted by the numbers in the images, I cant thelp but feel so proud of the group, we are scattered accross the country, all suffering the loss of Mum, let alone being in Lockdown2.0, but our drive and determination to get the message out, to try and get some donations in.. Its just amazing what is being done.
So I want to take this time to personally thank everyone who is part of the challenge, everyone that is following us, and everyone that has donated, be it one pound or five hundred, every single penny is going to two brilliant charities.
We want these charities to find early detection methods and cures for these horribly cruel conditions. Its only with these that the outcome of people suffering will improve.
Also some major news for us, we have a great company sponsoring us on our adventures now:
Satmap Systems Ltd
We contacted Satmap (providers of fantastic outdoor GPS devices) with our story, not expecting anything to come from it. We spoke to Ben who listened to our story, our challenges and our goals.
Much to our surprise they were more than willing to help us out on our adventures, they provided us with a discounted Satmap Active 20 device (their current flagship model) and a suite of mapping packs for it. Not only this, but they provided us with parts to repair our Active 10 device that we have been using to show us the way on our walks.
We cannot wait to get out off the beaten track with the new device and our repaired one, we will do a feature on the devices to let you all know what our experiences of it are. But until then another thanks to Ben and Satmap for coming on board.
If you would like to help sponsor our mission in some way please do get in touch, details can be found on the Sponsors page of the site.
Lets get out on the trails and get some miles in!
See you in the next update!
So far we've raised a massive £11910.94, thank you!
Visit our Just Giving page to donate now.
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