MICA Theme
This is a song for Carol performed by Katie Gittins, a very talented singer/song writer. The song was written to embrace the things Carol enjoyed, namely, the mountain scenery, fresh air and being immersed in the sheer beauty of nature with her family.
The song will be our theme to accompany us on our charitable endeavours. We will carry on her journey of discovery doing the same things that Carol enjoyed but in a different way, but she will be in our hearts forever.
We as a family are determined to promote awareness and generate desperately needed funds for research into Bile Duct Cancer and Sepsis, so if you enjoyed this song, please donate, even the smallest amount will make a difference.
We are now collecting funds using Just Giving, if you can donate then please do so following the link below.
Thank you for listening and reading and thank you Katie for writing and performing this lovely song in Carol's memory.
So far we've raised a massive £11910.94, thank you!
Visit our Just Giving page to donate now.
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