Oo ee ooh ah ah ting tang walla Walla Crag
First fell complete!
With an unexpected late start to the day, due to a very mild asthma attack but no asthma pump in possession (oops), a quick trip to a pharmacy in Carlisle sorted us out, but we started out thinking the day would be a write off. However, a speedy recovery and with the afternoon blue skies calling us outside, we decided to tackle one of the smaller fells – Walla Crag.
With this being many in the groups first experience of real ‘fell-walking’ we weren't entirely sure what to expect, and we can safely say that walking around in our reasonably flat home county in Suffolk, is not quite the same as the steep walking in the Lake District! Nevertheless, everyone was up to the challenge, with the rapidly dropping temperatures, and waning light, and we all ended up at the top with accomplished grins on our faces, just as the sun set.
The scenery on the way up was absolutely beautiful, with many of the higher fells on show with their tops covered in snow, and the view of Derwent water below, with the twinkly lights of the houses coming on and reflecting in the water – made for a festive view.
Mike also pointed out one of the MICA hearts, a momento that he and Carol had started many years ago, its located towards the start of the walk just after the bridge you cross and located on a silver birch tree. If you are ever there see if you can find it, and take a moment to admire the magnificence of your surroundings.
We even had a bit of a scramble over some slippery rocks, which were rather too close to a sheer drop for our liking, not that the dogs (Alfie and Juke) seemed to mind who were bounding up and over them like it was nothing! Not to mention the fell runners in their shorts (it was freezing!!!) who ran past us in about 30 seconds.
Once at the top, we realised, that with stopping for every five minutes to take a picture (which seriously, do NOT do the views any justice, if you’ve never been just go...trust us you won’t be disappointed.) and once up the top; unravelling and attempting a group shot with our banner before it was too dark to make us out, that our planned goals of completing so many fells in one day might be a little ambitious...or we would need to get a lot quicker!
The first of our stones was left at the top, the first of our IGTV vlogs, were made, and we have ‘officially’ started our quest to cover all 214 fells in the Lake District.
Our descent however was completely in the dark, a slightly different route avoiding the sheer drops was chosen, with the seemingly too casual instruction shouted from the back of ‘just follow the fence line back’ and we made our way down through the boggy fields back to the car. Feeling tired, cold and glad to sit down we smugly looked at the mileage covered… only 2.29 miles?! Did I mention it was a scramble...and very steep?
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