Waterproof, that’s a laugh!
The rain bashed against the window as I awoke. It was another Saturday, which meant another walk. Oh well it looks like we will be getting wet, at least we can try out our stuff for weatherproofing! As usual, people starting to descend upon the base camp. We are a bunch of 5 with mixed abilities but high hopes and determination. We had chosen to do a 7 mile circular romp along the Stour valley taking in disused railways, open farmland, a villages, wetlands, golf course and a mere where a village takes its name from. We pack our backpacks with sustenance for the trip, donned our wet weather gear and set off with an enthusiastic dread, but it’s all about the cause and we would be exposed to a lot worse when we are up in the Fells or on the Coast to Coast. We march on and after about 30 mins a few of us were realising the gear isn’t as waterproof as the labels said! We decided to tackle the muddy slopes down to the village, thinking it would be easier that trying to climb up them. We squelched on we after a while we descended of the main track on to seldom used tracks; we took an opportunity to take a few selfies for the record and marched on. The tracks went across fields that were just mud; we slipped and slid about and miraculously stayed upright, which was handy as there was a very deep ditch to one side. We stood for a while to look at the Mere and checked our route on the Satmap, then the rain absolutely chucked it down in all directions. We carried on to the old railway track and stopped for lunch in a shelter. Most of us were wet but it was good fun to be out in the rain. We carried on the railway track which was brightly dressed in autumn colours, then across the golf course, crossed a road and along another farm track towards base camp. Upon our arrival, we kicked off the muddy boots, and wet “waterproofs” and went in for hot tea. Note to self – don’t believe the labels that say waterproof, it clear that the only bit that is waterproof is the label! Anyway chippy supper awaits as tradition dictates.
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