We're Back!!
Hi everyone!
We are back in the Lake District, after a long trip up yesterday today was our first full day. It's been very emotional coming back up here, we really are missing Mum/Carol. Its hard for us all, but every road we travel and every path we walk on there is a story that Dad/Mike can tell us about their adventures up here in this beautiful part of the country. While there may be tears and sadness, there is also a strange sense of tranquility and calm around us, like a strange homecoming feeling like we are being guided here, hopefully the amazing happy lady we are doing this for is watching over us and watching our adventures, raising funds and passing on knowledge in her memory.
We took a trip to Cockermouth for a bit of shopping, headed back through Buttermere and Honister pass before getting back to Castlerigg Hall holiday park, for a BBQ and some planning.
Tomorrow we are breaking our boots in on The North Central Fells, our aim is to add Bleaberry Fell, High Seat, Raven Crag, Armboth Fell to the list of completed fells (while taking a quick detour to return to Walla Crag to see if our 1st Mica Stone is still there 6 months on since we left it there back in December last year.
We will be taking our Satmap Active 20 with us and luckily the weather will be significantly better so we can take lighter gear with us.
Its a 14 mile walk so we will be setting off early with an aim of around 10 hours to finish, allowing for food/water stops, photos, videos, and notes so we can write up an full detailed blog tomorrow evening for you all to read.
Stay tuned!
All the best
So far we've raised a massive £11910.94, thank you!
Visit our Just Giving page to donate now.
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