Whose barmy idea was this!
Bing bong, Bing bong, the noise goes as it slowly seeps into my ears and awakens me to the reality that a mob will descend upon my house in less than an hour. The reality of what we have agreed to do suddenly slaps me in the face. Time flies by and I find myself making a sandwich, finding my rucksack sorting out what to take. By 09:00 all have arrived and we look at each other with trepidation, the map is consulted, the route is picked, and we set off. We have never walked this far, and not sure of our abilities, but we embark in the knowledge that we are doing it for a good reason and in the memory of Carol. Progress is steady and muddy but we stay committed. We soon reach Keddington and then disappear along wet muddy fields and eventually cross the A143. Shortly after, we stop for a video shot of the team to compliment the live feeds of our journey. We ascend into fields that we have never trod before and eventually arrive at Thurlow, hoping for refreshments at the local only to find it was totally shut. We carried on and decided to stop at the half way point for lunch and a brew. We all felt pretty good but a further 6 miles did seem a little daunting. We carried on cross country and eventually reached civilisation once again. We are all suffering by now with some 3 miles to go. Eventually we get within a mile of home but we all look wounded soldiers returning from the front line, but we carried on for the cause. We all limped in to the base and kicked off our boots and staggered in for a well-earned cuppa and a biscuit before leaving for our respective baths. Sore battered and tired, we all had a soak and then went to a team member’s house for a deserved fish and chip supper. 12.66 miles completed, knackered, but we congratulated ourselves for achieving our first goal and started to plan the next trip, it’s all for the cause, so nothing will stop us.
So far we've raised a massive £11910.94, thank you!
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