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MICA Travels are a group of family and friends that are dedicated to raise awareness of Bile duct cancer and sepsis, two illnesses that claim 1000’s of lives each year and are barely known about. I lost my wife; our sons lost their mother and many others lost a dear friend. We as group will be doing a series of endurance activities to raise money for these charities as a lasting memorial to Carol, so that our sudden loss is not in vain.

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14/214 Fells completed

Mike Hall

Whose barmy idea was this!

Posted in Our Fundraising Journey by Mike Hall

Bing bong, Bing bong, the noise goes as it slowly seeps into my ears and awakens me to the reality that a mob will descend upon my house in less than an hour. The reality of what we have agreed to do suddenly slaps me in the face. Time flies by and I find myself making a sandwich, finding my rucksack sorting out what to take. By 09:00 all have arrived and we look at each other with trepidation,...

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